Gender Affirmation
Conveniently located to serve Washington DC, Arlington, Bethesda

FTM Top Surgery
FTM top surgery is a gender affirmation procedure that removes the breasts to create a more masculine chest. The surgery flattens the chest area.
Vaginoplasty is a gender affirmation procedure that transforms the penile and scrotal tissue into a functional and aesthetic vagina. This is recommended for patients above 18 years old who have already transitioned socially for at least a year.
Gender Nullification
Gender nullification involves the removal of external genitalia. It shortens the urethra and smooths the pubic region.
Mastectomy (Double Incision)
Double incision mastectomy removes the breast tissue by creating two horizontal incisions. The incisions are located at the top and bottom of the pectoral muscles. The nipples and areolae are then reshaped and repositioned to produce a masculine chest area.
Mastectomy (Periareolar/Keyhole)
Periareolar and keyhole mastectomy procedures are performed using incisions at the areolar border. For periareolar mastectomy, the incision is circular around the areola. In keyhole mastectomy, the incision is semi-circular at the base of the areola. These types of mastectomies leave minimal post-surgical marks and retain good nipple sensation.
Breast Augmentation
We offer breast augmentation procedures to help transgender patients achieve a traditionally feminine chest. Breast implants or fat transfer may be used. Repositioning of the nipples will be part of the breast augmentation surgery.
Facial Feminization
Facial feminization shapes the face of the patient into a more feminine aesthetic. This helps the patient to be correctly recognized according to their gender. There are several face procedures that can be involved in facial feminization surgery:
Body Feminization
Body feminization is a set of body procedures that shape the body into a more feminine appearance. Liposuction will be used to shape the waistline and trunk and create feminine curves. Fat transfer will be performed for the hips and buttocks. Breast implants will also be used to create a feminine chest area.
Masculinization Surgery
Masculinization surgery contours the body and makes it more masculine. It involves performing liposuction on the abdomen, love handles, hips, and thighs. The goal is to minimize the hourglass shape and create a more traditionally male body. It also includes removing the vagina and creating a penis and a scrotum.
Revisional Surgery
Revisional surgery is offered to patients who are not satisfied with the results of their gender affirmation surgery. The surgery corrects any problems and helps patients achieve their ideal results.
Am I a Good Candidate for Gender Affirmation Procedures?
Trans patients who want to physically transition after having socially transitioned for at least a year are excellent candidates for gender affirmation procedures. Patients experiencing feelings of gender dysphoria are ideal candidates.
Candidates must be in good overall physical and mental health and must have the recommendation of a mental health expert. Non-smokers are preferred, and smokers will need to quit several weeks before surgery.
Your Consultation
The consultation will involve a discussion of your goals and concerns. Your medical history will be evaluated, and a physical exam will be performed. Suitable gender affirmation procedures will be recommended based on your goals. All your questions will be addressed during the consultation.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you are in need of gender affirmation procedures in Washington DC, visit District Plastic Surgery. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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